Player2 -> Player and more

Old Player code is dropped. Now the Player2 is the new Player name. Now the svn repository is cleaner.

Other feature highlights form last code submissions:

Font gradient support. Font shadow support. Char by char rendering in TextDraw. System colors support. Partial EXFONT glyph support using $A-$Z $a-$z (not shadowed yet). [ghabry]
Improved 2x zoom and full screen. Now is faster and not using sdl_gfx for resize. Fixed initial high cpu usage. [vgvgf]
Implemented fade in / fade out transitions. [paulo_v]
Title scene textbox animation. [paulo_v]
Menu scene window implementation, implemented window_gold, show face graphic and name. [ghabry]
Fixed problems with keyboard handling and some segfaults. [ghabry]
GTK+ modal message dialogs for errors (GNU/Linux port). [fdelapena]

And a lot of bugfixes and new class stubs.

Wiki updates

Information about RTP replacement has been added to the documentation wiki.

Original RTP distribution have file names in Japanese. The docs show about that fact and how to support RTP file names for the EasyRPG RTP replacement. You can get info about the differences between 2000 and 2003 files and how to treat with them.