New official EasyRPG Player release

The last official release (the Alpha) was more then two years ago (February 2011). Today we want to finally release a new version that we declare as stable: v0.1 (codename “EV0001”)

This release is dedicated to our IRC bot named “EV0001”, thanks for serving us with log files and pizza in the last years.

Together with the new release of the Player we also release a new website. (this blog will serve as the news section of the site, so nothing new here)

Noticeable changes in 0.1:

  • An embedded font (called Shinonome) that looks like MS Gothic. No external font file needed anymore!
  • Improved event interpreter, many games that were broken before are more playable now (e.g. going to bed and entering the dream in Yume Nikki works now)
  • Rendering issues with some BMP and PNG files were fixed.
  • Screenshot function (press F10)
  • New Name Input dialog with better layout and support for Japanese characters
  • Huge improvements in the internal memory management of the Player, crashes because of deletion of still referenced game objects shouldn’t happen anymore.
  • Multi-language RTP support. Play Japanese games that use files from the RTP with the English RTP (and vice-versa). The Player handles all the magic in the background for you.
  • For developers: The graphic backends SDL and SoftBitmap were removed, Pixman is now the one and only (Audio and Input are still handled by SDL)

You can download the Player in the download section of our new website. For 0.1 we only provide binaries for the common systems Windows, Linux and MacOS X. We don’t have enough developers to maintain lots of ports and they were slowing down our development process. But don’t worry, our Player is still perfectly portable to other systems. Ports for other systems will be readded in our ongoing development process. At the moment improving the compatibility and the user experience of the Player is our highest priority.

The next release (v0.2, codename “Alex”) will probably be released this year and on our roadmap is the long awaited battle system and and a better save system and of course improvements in the user experience. And we plan to make new stable releases more often so that you don’t have to wait two years again :).

At last we recommend that you check out our new user section in the wiki containing many useful information about features of the Player!

Happy New Year 2013 Report

Welcome in 2013

Development is still going on. We actually plan to release a “stable” version (0.1) soon. Battle and Saving is still not really working but we fixed lots of bugs in the event interpreter, intro cutscene of Unterwegs in Düsterburg (quite popular game in Germany) works now.
Check out the video proof at the bottom of this post!


You can find all nightly builds as usual on our jenkins site.
Remember that these are automatic builds, so they are untested!

Pandora Port

Kazuki ported the EasyRPG Player to the Pandora console. You can find the port in the OpenPandora Repo.


This is a video to show the changes in the event interpreter. That video shows EasyRPG on the left and RPG_RT on the right. As you can see EasyRPGs simulation is still a bit away from being perfect, but the intro works :).

Download video

The cutscene plays by itself, no input is done. Audio is from Player.
The Black Screen at the start is for synchronisation purposes.

And no the PSP build is still broken, sorry for that.

Experimental build of EasyRPG Editor for Windows

EasyRPG Editor is being made using cross platform components, it could be run at least on GNU/Linux, Windows and Mac OS X. Now you can test the first version built for Windows.

This build is far from being complete, it’s just a platform preview to demonstrate it can be on systems different than GNU/Linux.

Download EasyRPG Editor for Windows

You can open sample_game.rproject from the sample_game folder and load maps into the editor. Most dialog windows are not finished yet. Paint tool (pen) only paints one step each click. Editor will crash when closing project or when selecting the root element of the map tree. These crashes has been fixed already but not in this build.

EasyRPG Editor screen shot on Windows 7

EasyRPG Editor screen shot on GNOME 3.6