Only 5 months behind schedule we are glad to announce the next stable release: Version 0.2
This version is named after everyones favourite hero “Alex”.
What is new for users?
As already stated in the Android post in December, SDL2 is used now. The major differences you will notice is that you can play now in fullscreen mode without having resolution changes, so all graphics are perfectly sharp and pixelated now :).
The Android port is now also distributed via the Google Play Store. The account is managed by our developer lobomon. Because the updates are uploaded by hand and are verified everytime by Google before publishing the releases are usually some days behind. You can find more up-to-date ones on our website in the download section.
Battle System (and random encounters) for RPG Maker 2000 and 2003 (#218) with some limitations:
- Only traditional battle style supported for RPG2k3
- Battle event interpreter not well tested
- Conditions (Poison, Sleep, …) unsupported
- Some battle commands unsupported (you get a warning in that case)

Support for saving and loading (#186). The files are written in the LSD format. In theory they are compatible with the original RPG_RT. Because the LSD-format is not fully understood yet, not all data is saved/loaded yet (we support ~75% of the data), but should be good enough for most cases. As a side effect the arbitrary 50 pictures limit was removed.
All missing move commands implemented (diagonal movement and jumping). Further more some issues with incorrect passability checks (Whether you can (not) walk on a tile) were fixed and the movement frequency is now more accurate when compared with RPG_RT (#224).
Support for half-width cyrillic fonts in our built in font “shinonome” (#216).

Support for command line arguments (See wiki page for further details, #225).
The game title is now read from the RPG_RT.ini and displayed in the title bar (#52).
When returning to the title scene (via End Game or F12) some data was not reset (#192).
In TestPlay mode pressing F11 opens the save scene.
The annoying, game blocking warnings messages are replaced with a quake-like drop down console and therefore don’t halt the game anymore. As a side effect you get full unicode support in the messages (e.g. for asian languages). (#193).

What is new for developers?
Readers was renamed to liblcf and relicensed to MIT license.
Improvements in the build system. The Player and liblcf should compile on more linux distributions now.
The makefiles for the PSP (Playstation Portable) build were removed. Nobody contacted us in the last years to maintain the (broken) PSP build.
Anything else?
Yepp. MarianoGNU is working on a new editor called “Editor-Qt“. It is making good progress but is Not really in a usable state yet, but you can grab the Windows binary from our jenkins system. The Linux version will be released later.