EasyRPG Player now available as Nintendo Switch Homebrew

Another homebrew target, another port: This time for Nintendo Switch. The Switch is a very young platform for homebrew and we are happy to be one of the first available homebrews for it. As usual thanks to Rinnegatamante who also made the initial ports for 3DS and Vita.

Compared to other homebrew platforms we support the Switch has a powerful CPU and playing RPG Maker games will be a very smooth experience on it.

As usual for such ports you need a console with homebrew support to launch it. You can get the zip with all required files in the Download section (Continuous builds Other).


Extract the zip into switch folder on your SD card.

Games are searched in the same folder as the nro. Which means for the default install this is /switch/easyrpg-player. Place the game (the folder with the RPG_RT.ldb) directly in the nro folder to launch the game standalone otherwise place the games in subdirectories to use the game browser.

The RTP (RPG Maker 2000/2003 Runtime Package) should be placed in /switch/easyrpg-player/rtp/2000 and /switch/easyrpg-player/rtp/2003.

Button mapping

Use the digital pad for walking.

  • A: Confirm
  • B, X and Plus: Cancel
  • Y: Shift
  • Minus: Reset game
  • L: Toggle FPS display
  • R: Fast forward

A touch ui is available in the corners for using the extra numpad buttons like 0-9 and Plus. These are used by some games (e.g. Yume Nikki).

ZL toggles between 3 display modes:

  1. 4:3 with touch ui visible
  2. 4:3 without touch ui
  3. 16:9 stretched without touch ui

The touch works independend of the touch mode. When you are afraid of screen burn-in use mode 2 or 3.

Known issues

In some cases the audio playback will break. When this happens you have to restart the homebrew. We are one of the first homebrews that support audio and the API in libnx is not mature yet.

Reporting bugs

This is a community provided port without official support. If you think you found a bug please verify first that it also occurs in the official versions (e.g. on Windows or Linux). If this is the case please report an issue. We also track switch-only bugs there but don’t expect them to be fixed soon because we have no Switch for hardware tests.

You want to port to a platform that isn’t supported by Player yet? Contact us!


6 thoughts on “EasyRPG Player now available as Nintendo Switch Homebrew”

  1. Whenever I try to play full screen, it crashes about 1-3 seconds after loading a save.

    Error code 2345-0021

  2. Hello,

    Have you testet the rpg game “unterwegs in düsterburg” For switch?
    Every time I start the easyrpg with the folder UiD my switch crashes.
    Sry for my english I’m from germany.

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