Shin-NiL ported the EasyRPG Player to OpenDingux (original post) (#169). This allows running games on the open source handhelds Dingoo and GCW Zero. For optimal performance the GCW Zero is recommended.
A Dingoo A320 and a GCW Zero running EasyRPG Player and TestGame.
Compared to the current development state the half a year ago released 0.1.1 version is already quite dated and has bad compatibility. We continue our naming scheme for the 0.1 releases and name this one “EV0003”.
The new release adds some bugfixes, improves the compatibility in general and adds new features. Furthermore the build system was improved and should compile better on Unix systems. Bad news first: No, battle and save/load are still missing. They are planned for the 0.2 release we expect to get released this year.
Summary of changes (issue number is linked and contains further information):
Fixes for the games Yume Nikki (#115) and Ib (#151)
Writing non-ascii characters (basicly all non-English characters like äöü or あえい) to files caused corruption. This broke savegame writing and our tool LCF2XML (#135)
Incorrect charset rendering when charset has non-default size fixed (#137)
Mistakes in the RTP translation table corrected (that one is used to run japanese RPG Maker games with an English RTP and vice versa) (#149)
Add screen effects (Tone/Tint and flash). Tone change was already supported for normal pictures but was very slow, the algorithm was replaced with a faster one. (#118, #153)
Weather rendering was refactored and is faster now, too. (#118, #153) (see performance notes below)
Only for developers:
Build system improvements for Unix based systems (#128, #130, #132, #136 and many others)
Fix Picture rotation (was rotating around the wrong spot) (#132)
Other minor fixes
For Developers:
Fixes in the build process for Linux distros (#128)
Furthermore lots of development is done in branches (A branch is developed independend from the main codebase and is merged into it when ready):
mruby by take-cheeze: Featuring RGSS-like embedded ruby scripting (as you know from RPG XP and co. but for 2000/2003 in our case). It also adds a game browser to allow starting games that are not in the current directory. Furthermore a new lcf file reader is provided that is more lightweight (comparison: Hero’s Realm needs around 200 MB RAM in RPG_RT and a bit more in Player and only 50 MB with the new reader).
battle by Ghabry: Featuring RPG Maker 2000/2003 battle systems. The 2000 system is working in most parts, 2003 is currently at the beginning of the development. Both systems are quite similiar except that 2003 is not turn based so many code can be shared.
debug by MarianoGNU: Adds the debug scenes (that you can call via F9 in TestPlay mode). Development finished, merge is pending.
SDL2 by Ghabry: Adds support for SDL2. That is the newest version of SDL (we are currently using 1.2) and provides abstraction for Graphics, Audio and Input, was just released a month ago featuring hardware acceleration (= speedup) and official iOS and Android support. Currently only the rendering on the screen is done via hardware, rest is in Software (Pixman)
Our jenkins build bot was down for some weeks because of a software failure. Some nightly builds are back up now.
Video of the battle system. The video is quite old and doesn’t show the current development state, for should be enough for a proof :). (sorry for the bad video quality)