Happy New Year 2013 Report

Welcome in 2013

Development is still going on. We actually plan to release a “stable” version (0.1) soon. Battle and Saving is still not really working but we fixed lots of bugs in the event interpreter, intro cutscene of Unterwegs in Düsterburg (quite popular game in Germany) works now.
Check out the video proof at the bottom of this post!


You can find all nightly builds as usual on our jenkins site.
Remember that these are automatic builds, so they are untested!

Pandora Port

Kazuki ported the EasyRPG Player to the Pandora console. You can find the port in the OpenPandora Repo.


This is a video to show the changes in the event interpreter. That video shows EasyRPG on the left and RPG_RT on the right. As you can see EasyRPGs simulation is still a bit away from being perfect, but the intro works :).

Download video

The cutscene plays by itself, no input is done. Audio is from Player.
The Black Screen at the start is for synchronisation purposes.

And no the PSP build is still broken, sorry for that.

Experimental build of EasyRPG Editor for Windows

EasyRPG Editor is being made using cross platform components, it could be run at least on GNU/Linux, Windows and Mac OS X. Now you can test the first version built for Windows.

This build is far from being complete, it’s just a platform preview to demonstrate it can be on systems different than GNU/Linux.

Download EasyRPG Editor for Windows

You can open sample_game.rproject from the sample_game folder and load maps into the editor. Most dialog windows are not finished yet. Paint tool (pen) only paints one step each click. Editor will crash when closing project or when selecting the root element of the map tree. These crashes has been fixed already but not in this build.

EasyRPG Editor screen shot on Windows 7

EasyRPG Editor screen shot on GNOME 3.6

Caanoo Nightly Build for Player

Thanks to Rikku2000 we are able to extend our range of precompiled player binaries with a new target:

The Caanoo. That’s an open source handheld, based on Linux. You probably never heard about it, in that case you should check out our other player binaries.

To hear midi music you have to extract timidity into the same folder as easyrpg.ini. The same applies to the RTP (RPG Maker 2000/2003 Runtime Package), these should be placed in “data/rtp/2000” and “data/rtp/2003”.

You will also need the Font Package, place the Font folder in the same directory as the Player (thats the directory of the RPG maker game you want to run)

Note that this is only a service for the community to make testing for non-developers easier. Don’t expect that the games run error free. Save/Load are still incomplete and no battle system is implemented.